4-methylphenol produced in freshwater sediment microcosms is not a bisphenol A metabolite.

Title4-methylphenol produced in freshwater sediment microcosms is not a bisphenol A metabolite.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsIm J, Prevatte CW, Lee HGeun, Campagna SR, Löffler FE
Date Published2014 Dec
KeywordsAnaerobiosis, Benzhydryl Compounds, Biodegradation, Environmental, Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid, Cresols, Environmental Monitoring, Fresh Water, Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Geologic Sediments, Phenols, Water Pollutants, Chemical

4-Methylphenol (4-MP), a putative bisphenol A (BPA) degradation intermediate, was detected at concentrations reaching 2.1 mg L(-1) in anoxic microcosms containing 10 mg L(-1) BPA and 5 g of freshwater sediment material collected from four geographically distinct locations and amended with nitrate, nitrite, ferric iron, or bicarbonate as electron acceptors. 4-MP accumulation was transient, and 4-MP degradation was observed under all redox conditions tested. 4-MP was not detected in microcosms not amended with BPA. Unexpectedly, incubations with (13)C-labeled BPA failed to produce (13)C-labeled 4-MP suggesting that 4-MP was not derived from BPA. The detection of 4-MP in live microcosms amended with lactate, but not containing BPA corroborated that BPA was not the source of 4-MP. These findings demonstrate that the transient formation of 4-MP as a possible BPA degradation intermediate must be interpreted cautiously, as microbial activity in streambed microcosms may generate 4-MP from sediment-associated organic material.

Alternate JournalChemosphere
PubMed ID25268077