Derek Lovley

Research Professor






400 Morrill Science Center IVN


Microbiology, Michigan State University, 1982

Mailing address: 

Derek R. Lovley, Ph.D.
Department of Microbiology
418 Morrill Science Center IVN
University of Massachusetts
639 North Pleasant Street
Amherst, MA 01003-9298

Research Interests

Dr. Lovley's research on the physiology and ecology of novel anaerobic microorganisms is currently focused on the role of electroactive microorganisms in biogeochemical cycling, the conversion of wastes to methane, and the corrosion of metals. He is also investigating microbial production of protein nanowires as a sustainable electronic material for applications in renewable electricity generation and biomedical sensing.

Selected Publications

Lovley DR.  2022.  Microbial nanowires.. Curr Biol. 32(3):R110-R112.
Research interests - short: 

Electromicrobiology in Biogeochemistry and Bioenergy and Biofabrication of Sustainable Electronics